Monday, April 4, 2011

a month already...

Okay so I just realized it has been a month since I have posted!!!! That just seems crazy because it feels like yesterday! Well, to get to the point I have been so busy this last month. We have repainted our room, and stained the floors. Later this month I will be making an upholstered headboard and will post instructions and photos so you can follow along!! If there is anyone out there reading this! Well back to what I have been doing, I have gotten into this major sewing frenzy and have been busy sewing away! The first project I have finished is a paper bag jean skirt that I saw in the Mark catalog. I have been wanting a new jean skirt that is work appropriate and found the perfect example from Mark. I decided it would be a good opportunity to dust off my sewing skills. Here is the finished result!!!

Alright so I was soooo happy with the end result that it through me into an even bigger sewing mood. And well, I discovered Joann's was having a sale on Simplicity patterns for .99 cents!!! If you combine a re-kindled hobby and a sale this is what you get (see below)

20 patterns, yes I said TWENTY patterns!!! And the thing is I went around the house saying look what I got for twenty dollars for several days and I think that my husband was a little concerned. But know I have plenty to keep me busy and I will have plenty to post about. 

Which brings me to the next project I did last week: A new purse

I wanted a new purse for spring and I really wanted to use some left over leather I had an use a bold pattern on the flap and interior. But things don't always turn out the way we plan, I couldn't find the leather and wasn't happy with any of the florals I could find. So I found a bold yellow print fabric that made me feel happy, and for the body I decided to use a grey suit fabric. 

If anybody wants to know which pattern I used to make these items just let me know. I am on to my next project which will be out of this awesome fabric that I got for 1.50/yd!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Best Friends Wedding Shower

I am helping put together my best friends wedding shower and this is just a few of the inspiration images I have put together for her all pink shower. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So I have become very lazy in these last few weeks and haven't posted anything. Actually I haven't been lazy at all I have done some major spring cleaning, gearing up for the new wall to be added into the garage! I will have a heated and cooled laundry room in a few more weeks!! My feet will be very thankful that they no longer have to walk on the cold garage floor!! We will be adding a vent, tile, paint and molding as well as the giant wall which will seperate the laundry room from the rest of the garage!! I have also painted a few pieces of furniture and rearranged the guest room, so now guests will actually enjoy staying over. I am nearing the end of being a nanny which brings a tear to my eye everytime I think about it!! I have been Zeffie's nanny for almost 3 years, since she way one, and she will be turning FOUR in a few months, the same month that I will be leaving!! I know it's not goodbye forever but it still won't be the same as seeing her every week. So with all of that we have been doing alot of fun activities and taking a ton of pictures. I just want to cram as much fun in as possible before I leave. So I will post photos of all of the things we have done recently. It will be the end of chapter which it is time for even though I will miss her dearly!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cake Balls

I have always loved the cake balls that I have had at showers and parties, but I had a problem with the cost associated with getting them for an event. I took matters into my own hand and found a quick easy recipe to make them. I made a few alterations but here it is. These were for the same shower as the diaper cake so I used the same color scheme. I did two flavors but the recipe is only for one, It may not be the easiest to follow, I am still getting the hang of blogging.

Ingredients: (you can use any flavor this is just what I used)
White cake mix and the ingredients needed to make that cake
Can of white icing
Vanilla Almond Bark
Food Coloring

Mix and cook cake based on the directions on the cake mix you purchased. I added green food coloring to make the cake mix green
Let cake cool
Crumble cake into a bowl
In a separate bowl mix half of the can icing with a few drops of green food coloring
Mix the crumbled cake and the icing
Using an ice cream scoop, form small balls
Heat Almond Bark using the directions on the package
Dip or pour the almond bark on the balls, place the balls on wax paper
*I also mixed food coloring in with some extra Almond Bark and drizzled it onto the balls to go with my color scheme

Shown with Vanilla and Chocolate Almond Bark

Diaper Cake

This is a diaper cake that I made for a friends baby shower. She was having twin boys and decorating their room in a monkey theme. I don't have process photos because well.... I just started this blog! It was really quite simple. 

Items needed to make the cake:
Small clear rubber bands (Hair section)
Ribbon in your color scheme 
Wooden letters for each babies first initial 
Craft paint in your color scheme to paint the letters
Small stuffed animal or you could use pacifiers, teething rings, or small toys to adorn the cake
Popsicle  Stick 

Roll diapers up and use a clear band to secure it in a roll. Do this to all of the diapers
Determine how many tiers and how large each tier should be, Start laying out the diapers in a circle and fill in the center, you will want it to be tight so that it is stable. 
Stack each tier
Using ribbon wrap it around each tier and hot glue it into place. 
Paint letters
Place extra items on ribbon 
Make a bow for the top, hot glue it to the Popsicle stick and poke it down in between the diapers on the top tier. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I am constantly keeping a notepad with me that contains ideas and sketches, but when I finally create what I have dreamed up, I take a picture and it gets added onto my computer where I have thousands of other photos. I am constantly sharing my projects with my family and friends and so it dawned on me about a year ago (thanks to the movie Julie and Julia) that I should have a blog! It would be a great way to have all my ideas in one place and would be so much easier for my friends and family to check it out. Since graduating in December I have been bored and lets just say on the verge of a break down, so I decided it was time to get passionate about something else other than school. So here is my attempt at that. Bare with me while I figure this whole thing out. I may never have a single follower but then I will just look at it as an online journal!!